January 7, 2009

  • My Scariest Nightmare - The Uninvited Contest

    I was about 8 years old. I had just finished playing a video game which involved shooting rattlesnakes(it was some cowboy game). I was also coming down with a fever. I fell asleep, and dreamed this:

    I was in Costco, and we were in line to buy our stuff, and there was this lady in the line behind us, and she had a snake that was crawling around her neck, much like a snake charmer. She had a weird necklace and spoke with an echo. Anyway, she sent the snake after me to kidnap me, and then the building was set on fire...I ran and pulled the alarm, and everyone started to run outside, and I was almost the last one out, but the woman and the snake were still running after me, chanting some weird crap. And I kept running towards the door, but suddenly the floor opened up and I fell into a tank of water, and there were a bunch of snakes in there, and the woman climbed down the ladder and then the dream ended.


    I just blogged about my scariest nightmare to enter The Uninvited Scariest Nightmare Contest for 1,000 credits. You can earn free credits too! Brought to you by The Uninvited - In Theaters January 30th.