January 20, 2009

  • Obama and Bush will be pretty much exactly the same…

    If you think about it, Obama and McCain really weren’t that different, except symbolically. The reason that Obama won and McCain is not because of the Issues, it is because McCain represented the failed Bush policies of the last 8 years. The big surprise for Democrats though, is that Obama will continue the majority of those same failed policies. Wiretapping is suddenly Ok again, the Patriot Act is suddenly ok again, Gitmo ‘might’ be closed down, or at least, the executive order might be given but it will remain open for a long time. Bush, Obama, and McCain had pretty much the EXACT same solutions to this economic crisis – Obama and McCain both voted for that disastrous bill, and Bush signed it. They have more in common than most would think.

    Do not be fooled, people. The men and women running our Government are, for the most part, the exact same people – corrupt, power hungry, and money-grabbing. Look. We’re giving away billions of OUR tax dollars to companies that take that money and spend it on trips to the fucking SPA! How did we allow this to happen? And now there is an 850 billion dollar bailout that’s in the words. More of our money tossed down the drain.

    Unfortunately, for Obama voters and supporters, if you were looking for change, Obama was the wrong guy to vote in. McCain, Palin, Obama, Biden, Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Gore…they’re all the same. We won’t be getting change today – we WILL be getting more of the same. The only way for Change to occur is to get someone who knows the value of the Constitution, knows how to live by it, knows how to run this country by it. But instead, we’ve played into the two party system which endlessly gives us politicians with the exact same motives and agenda.

    Big Government, ignoring the Constitution, taking away your civil liberties and Constitutional rights…this is what the Republicans and Democrats stand for. Have fun in the next 4 years, folks!

Comments (9)

  • Bush, Obama, and McCain had pretty much the EXACT same solutions to this economic crisis – Obama and McCain both voted for that disastrous bill, and Bush signed it.

    That’s a wiff of a flutter down a logical cliff. The danger (and potential) of Obama’s election is that he’s an unknown quanitty. By virtue of his short stay in the Senate, Barack’s voting records is shallow. (Whereas, McCain’s record stretches for decades). It’s a bit of a fallacy to take the vote on a single bill and extrapolate it to an entire four-year administration.

    Furthermore, in Barack’s announced polocies and in his cabinet appointment, we do see that the President is moving away from much of Bush’s policies– the closing of Gitmo, a clean appointment to head the CIA.

  • @huginn - That is a fair point about the bailout, however I have not seen anything to indicate that he is opposed to further bailouts, or further spending of my money to bail out corrupt companies and banks. Nor have I seen anything to indicate that he is against the Federal Government now being the largest shareholder in Bank of America – an action which is CLEARLY against the Constitution, which dictates that the Feds are not allowed to control banks. Granted, that was Bush’s doing, but I haven’t seen anything to indicate he’s going to change that.

    As for the CIA director, it’s both a plus and a minus. He’s appointed someone who is outside of the ‘game’ of the CIA, sure, but he has also appointed someone with no real experience in the CIA. Panetta was a congressman and a lawyer. No real experience there.

    And he hasn’t moved away from very many of his policies. He is still going to continue to wage the war in Iraq, instead of immediately pulling our troops out and maybe focusing our troops on defending OUR borders, and OUR interests. Instead, he’s going to take another 16 months to pull the troops out. Iraq is a country which clearly doesn’t want us to be involved in their lives, but yet he wants to spend another 16 months there. We should pull out tomorrow, and focus on our borders and our interests at home.

    Like I said, there’s still the wiretapping which has suddenly become OK again, and the Patriot act, which is suddenly OK again. The Patriot Act should be repealed as soon as he takes office, and wiretapping should be immediately stopped on American citizens. It’s rather apt that he’s comparing himself to Lincoln, because Lincoln was another President who ignored and violted the Constitution during a time of war.

  • @TheJoyfulCynic - Re: Bailout.


    Re: Patriot Act.

    Wait and see? Even with his warm-’n-fuzzy bipartisanship, Barack’s political capital is finite. It’s probably more urgent to hammer through a comprehensive economic stimulius package.

    Thanks for the detailed response.

  • @huginn - I’m just happy to have someone comment.

  • Wait a second, the black guy’s the president now?

  • You have made some rather brilliant observations.  Huggin also makes valid observations, but yours are more on key…they are all politicians and as soon as you see their lips moving….from my past experiences anyway…they are pervaricating…the job description of a slick politician.

  • I always wonder if there will ever be an honest politician? There probably IS but they don’t have very long. Politics is a game and if you don’t play by their rules you’re easily eliminated but not before they do a number on you. It’s almost like the Mafia…but at least the Mafia holds some values true unlike the government or its politicians. 

  • @GrapiesWordsofWisdom - Indeed…Politicians are, unfortunately, scumbags for the most part. Anything to make money, and then once election time rolls around, they’re down home with the folks, eatin’ biscuits and gravy, and talking about morality. Ughh.

    @Girl_Without_Pity -  Indeed, very true. Even if Obama IS Mr. Smith (which I highly doubt), the system is such that you get on board or you get out. In Mr. Smith’s days, at least there was some integrity and honesty…far gone are the days where a Politician would consider suicide to avoid the shame of their dishonourable actions. Now, it’s ‘Oh, I stole that money?’ or ‘Oh, I diddled those interns?’ or ‘Oh, I tried to get bribes for a senate seat?’ and it’s all denial denial denail. Disgusting.

  • Politics disgust me, but I remain fascinated.

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