Month: October 2009

  • Nobel Peace Prize


    So I guess that continuing two wars, one of which should never have been fought and the other of which should have been finished years ago, renewing the Patriot act ( ) and still allowing for renditions to take place counts as being for peace…

    Maybe the hippies were right. Maybe just sitting around and talking and thinking about peace counts as doing something towards achieving peace. If so, then everyone in Congress, the White House, and the UN deserves a peace prize. Hell, so does GWB. After all, he started the war in Iraq “for peace”…a war that Obama continues to fight.

    Oh yea. He is for Change all right.

  • Dark Blue Dark Blue…

    have you ever been alone in a crowded room…

    Howdy folks.

    I am finding less and less time to write these days – and even less to write on Xanga.

    Life works in very odd ways. A year ago I didn’t know where I was headed. I felt like I had no purpose or goal in my existence. I thought for sure that college would change that. Well, it hasn’t. I still feel like I don’t know where I’m headed – the only difference is that I have this tiny feeling that if I stick with it I might be able to figure it out. The other option is of course to quit, start my own business and make a billion dollars by next Tuesday. Hrmmm…

    I seem to have a bad habit of making a post and then running off for a few weeks. Sorry about that.

    I also don’t like getting too personal in my blogs. I need to keep my distance. Stop blogging all about MY life. Stupid egotistical me. There’s politics! Health Care to blog about! The Economy going down the tubes! Wars! Michael Jackson is still dead! And Kanye! Must blog about Kanye!
